Week 2 – New Life Will Sprout

Week 2 – New Life Will Sprout

I have begun the second week of the “Master Key Master Mind Alliance” (MKMMA) course and am really starting to see some unexpected changes. Many changes on a very personal level, but I wanted to take the time to share with you an experience I had while progressing through my life change.

A wonderful revelation has opened a door to infinite possibility, and massive hope on a subconscious level.

We are tasked in MKMMA to read three times a day a Scroll from Og Mandino’s book “THE GREATEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD.”

The very first few sentences in scroll number 1 read like this;

The Scroll Marked I –

Today I begin a new life. Today I shed my old skin, which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity. Today I am born anew and my birthplace is a vineyard where there is fruit for all.

 Today I will pluck grapes of wisdom from the tallest and fullest vines in the vineyard, for these were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me, generation upon generation.

 Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I will swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life will sprout within me.

.Just words on a page?

Let me share with you how these verses impacted me in a very profound and spiritual way.

Lisa and I were cleaning out our refrigerator and she pulled out some grapes that had been there for a few days. They were a mixture of green and red grapes. Well, the green grapes were starting to go bad, but the red grapes were still looking good and real ripe. So I grabbed a bunch and started tossing them in my mouth as I walked into the living room.

I remember thinking, “these grapes are REALLY good!” So I tossed two and three more in my mouth. Bursting with juice and flavor, I savored the wonderful fruit of the vine. So I swallowed that bunch all at once. At that moment in an instant of time, something truly amazing happened in the spiritual realm.

(Now, I was not even thinking about what I have been reading everyday three times a day. These words of Og Mandino stated above. I was just chowing down on some good grapes! Lol)

I reached into the bag and grabbed just one grape. Before I put it into my mouth I looked at it. (You may think what I am about to tell you is crazy, but it really happened!)

I was taken instantly where there was no time. I saw the sun shining in its wonderful glory. While looking up directly into the sun my eyes did not strain. I felt a slight breeze. I lowered my head and found myself standing in a vineyard. The place where this grape was created? I have seen vineyards before but this was a place very different.

Words cannot describe the colors, the clarity, the beauty, and the serenity. As I lowered my head I was standing in the center of this vineyard next to a tall grape vine. Its leaves were green, lush, vibrant, and alive! The grapes on those vines were huge and ready for the picking. Rows and rows of perfect grape vines full of fruit was before me. The way the sun shined on them was magical, almost surreal.

At this moment, I visually saw the sun rays caressing the leaves of the vine washing it with love. (do not know how else to describe it) I witnessed those rays enter the leaves and witnessed those leaves create nutrients that traveled through the vine to the roots. A sort of communication was happening watching those signals flow through the vine to the earth.

At once, water from the ground was flowing to the roots carrying nutrients from the earth, back to the roots; I saw life enter those roots in a symphony of joy! There was signing! As a river of life flowing into the grapes!

I was moved in awe!

There I am standing in my living room holding this grape in my hand. It was as if that grape communicated its life story to me and told me that I am here for you. I was created for you to see and taste the wisdom of the Universe. It was as if the Universe was telling me that you now see and know what I am about to do with you as you continue on this path of knowing me.

Today I will pluck grapes of wisdom from the tallest and fullest vines in the vineyard, for these were planted by the wisest of my profession who have come before me, generation upon generation.

What I just witnessed was the conscience cooperation of the Universe with the Earth which gives life to all things. The sun, the plants, the roots, the water, and the nutrients, all in harmony and cooperation sharing an intimate dance with the spirit of life. The Universe sharing its bounty to all who will partake of its fruits and prosper in new life.

What I also witnessed was a confirmation of my life, a very profound one.

I am witnessing my rebirth. Born anew! Translated into a new way of thinking and a new life in which I create. How this process with Universal mind and my subconscious will grow as the grapes grow in the vineyards. Moving forward into Liberty and Helping Others is my chief aim. I will see my “definite major purpose” fulfilled.

Today I will savor the taste of grapes from these vines and verily I will swallow the seed of success buried in each and new life will sprout within me.

New life has sprouted within me!

Now when I read the words from the scrolls, I apply this vision to my life and to my journey of self-discovery. I am the sun, I am the leaf, I am the vine, I am the root, I am the water, I am the nutrients, I and the river of life, I am the fruit of the vine, I am the grape. I am the witness, I am the creation.

Sounds kind of weird on the outward however the inside is nothing but beauty.

7 thoughts on “Week 2 – New Life Will Sprout

  1. Scott, the writer in you is showing himself as well. Beautiful wordings!
    I know we both have a far from standard week….reading your blog moved me to tears….I’m so grateful to be allowed witnessing your journey!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Like the story of Bartameus – who took off his cloak of self – and walked in the power of God, follwing Jesus and being completely healed from his “blindness” – full of Gods life energy to the fullest! Amen on your journey

    Liked by 1 person

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